Friday, February 17, 2012

Abandoning the BBT (for now)

I have been charting my temperature off and on for more than a year and for the last six months straight. There's nothing difficult about basal body temperature charting and it is a great way to learn more about your cycles. That being said, it can start to feel awfully clinical.

That's where I found myself this month. As I entered into a new cycle, I decided to try something new -- basically, doing nothing in regard to fertility. I'm not going to chart my temperature, I'm not going to use any ovulation predictor kits, and I'm going to let my husband lead as it pertains to "baby dancing."

This journey to having more children can be daunting and discouraging at times so maybe a break from it would be a good thing. Of course I'm hoping that doing nothing will result in pregnancy, but for now, I'm trying to just leave it in God's hands.


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